Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Right type of Media.

In a world where news evolve by the second, and spread round the world
in a time even less, information falls on the laps of anybody who
wants to know.
But on the other hand, a right perspective to the issue at stake is
not as rampant and widespread as the distorted version that prevails.
This is more reason why I don't get swayed by what is ruling the
airwaves until I'm certain that it is no hoax or a media hype.
I am an avid reader of newspapers both local and international and I
know for certain that 'bad news is good news', but what is getting me
scared is the crave for going after WRONG NEWS!! Clearly,this is not
right and should not be encouraged in any way. So many strifes and
needless hostilities have been started due to the needless publication
of tainted stories.
A good journalist worth his salt should know how to source for good
information and great news, sniff around at the right place, the right
way and at the right time without having to resort to self-immolation
by going ahead with a story he knows has no base.
I'm not against journalists going on an adventure during reporting or
speculating on THE NEXT BIG NEWS, but as in other professions, such
speculation should have a water-tight reason behind it and not just
the desire to be the next biggest name in the journalism universe.
Moreover, to me, I would say the media is the most powerful tool in
righting the wrong that is prevailing all over the world. It behoves
of us to keep the people enlightened on what is really happening,
how,when, by whom, and most especially how it affects their overall
well being, but when such responsibilities are negated when
journalists go in search of ridiculous pieces (such as the kate
meddleton's case in which she was protrayed with a decaying tooth by a
US magazine), the people who scan through their papers and browse
through the internet would have nothing and no one to tell them of
what is really going on.
There are so many issues heating up the world at the moment that
requires tact and professionalism to handle- the syrian case is a good
example. With the syrian government ban on forieign media presence in
the country, it is very hard to verify reports on many media platforms
that are supposely the true representations of events in syria. I know
at this moment that it is a hard case reporting on syria( having to
depend on amateur photos and videos of residents) , but the case still
remains the same, setiments should not be brought to bear while
Though as a person, I can't wait to see the bloodshed end and Assad
vacate the Leadership position since I still haven't been able to come
up with any logical reason why a man would want to end the lives of
the people he claims to serve.
Another case that requires caution is the IRAN nuclear dispute
involving much of the world (Isreal and US at the forefront) against
Iran over their alleged nuclear weapons production.
Sensational reports on issue of this magnitude would not in anyway
shed greater light on the matter but would only help to inflame the
polity further bringing about destruction that was avoidable.
Journalist should not misquote me as saying that I am against been
daring while reporting, I'm just a new comer into the journalism
affair, but I choose to believe that there is always a right way to do
the right thing... That is just to get the RIGHT information out and
NOtHING else.

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