Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Giving everyone a good life

Seven billion at the last count, and still counting. The population of
the world seem to be increasing by the day, filling up every available
space but not much can be said about a corresponding increase in the
standard of living of this seven-plus billion people around the world
especially in the developing parts of africa.
So much work still lie ahead inorder to stem the tide of pathetic
living conditions and sub-human standard of living in order to give
everyone a slight chance at a decent life.
Some steps I believe need to be taken inorder to control the rate at
which the human population increase inorder to ensure that adequate
resources are made available to cater for the needs of majority of the
Although versed in the african tradition of letting nature have its
way when it comes to the issue of procreation, I honestly think that
time has come for some serious steps to be taken to conciously control
the birth rate to make it possible for the resources available to
cater for the needs of the people.
A situation where a single family gives birth to about ten children is
not advisable when the econmic wherewithal is not there to support
such large family.
It would be most unwise for a man with a monthly paying job of 15000
naira ($10) to give birth to even six children. Add to the mix, the
certain external relatives he would have to take care of then you get
a true picture why reason should be brought in when deciding how many
children one ought to have.
So many stress that one can't decide which children would survive or
do well so validating the need to have as many as possible, but the
truth is, having the number of kids one can give adequate care to
increases the odd of them turning out good in life in contrast to
having so many kids with the inherent lack of economic power to take
care of them raising the chances of them not turning out too well or
going through hardship and deprivation in their formative years.
Then, I know that almost all religion do not agree with birth control
and are solidly behind leaving procreation under the control of
nature, I choose to believe that a time has come when such power
should be taken from nature if we are not to end up in a world where
so many do not live what could pass as a -manageable life.
I read in a book where the author stated that procreation was left
undisturbed under the influence of nature in the old past and so was
the death rate under severe natural control - through wars, famine,
drought, diseases, etc- thereby helping to maintain balance on the
population of the world. Then man learnt to revolt against such severe
way by which nature reduce the population of the world and devised
methods to bring the death rate to the bearest mininum, mission
accomplished, but forgot another important aspect of the puzzle, it
didn't devise a corresponding way to reduce the birth rate at least to
maintain the balance nature was effectively doing while unhindered.
This is what I'm advocating, a sincere way through which birth control
can be established effectively which I believe is for the good of all.

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