Monday, December 12, 2011

Kelly's adventure series.

Kelly is a journalist, a sinfully good one, she's got eyes for the big
and complicated stories, so often overwhelmed wit nausea if asked to
do simple cover ups., she knows her way about, digging up earth and
spurning dirt, stepping on toes and staking up foes, bt she doesnt
care, she's got a passion, a fire burning within that she must flare
out else she may burn within.. Her bosses are eternally grateful for
their luck in having in their fold such a rare gem, she practically
keeps the media house running, her exposé and scandalous outleaks
makes the paper a bestseller.
But she's stepping on toes and staking up foes.

They get livid, she's catching up on them, her newest quest, they are
her newest quest, she must come any closer else they are busted, but
she nva stops, she sniffs, she thinks, she ponders, kelly nva gives up
until she find her prey.. They know, and so they are jittery,but they
swear nva to go under whining, kelly would hav to pay if she comes any
closer. But would she stop, would she listen to that odd voice, the
voice of her sister whose murderers she was gunning after, would she
take her sisters advice to let vengeance avenge itself, would she, ?
No, kelly nva fights a personal battle, she gives her job her all and
keps her life different, but they fired the first salvo taking what
she held dear and they must pay for it. She searches, they employ the
hiding game, she knows this may well be her last escapade but stil she
dares it,. The search is growing kenner, the net is drawing tighter,
the bastards are been roped in and TheDANGER IS ON THE INCREASE, stil
she forges ahead.

The battleground is the basement of a tower, she's made provision for
police support, but the evidence to warrant immense commitment from
the police is stil lacking, but she must stil go on, no turning back.
She steps into the tower, a bit dark and smacking of disuse, a perfect
place for d hounds she seek, not knowing their number, she stuffs up
wit enuf ammo to kill an elephant., she climbs down d stairs, creaking
and eerie sounds, she gaze about at the world not knowin if it would
be the last view,gun in hand, she tethers towards the door that led to
the group , she could practically feel their heat coming from
inside,she was damn sure they were unaware of her presence, she heaves
a long laboured sigh and push open the door, .. A tinglying sensation
on the back of her head, a wierd feeling running down her spine, just
one foot into the room and she spurns around with fingers on the
trigger, too late, a group of stern looking men all holding automatics
pointing at her tells her shes a gonna...
To be continued.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A night reading Sidney sheldon

smiling words, lovely twists, suspense and bated breath, the drama unfolds in an amazing way, the words opened up into a new world, far above earth, more real, so beautiful. I read like a guy enchanted, im immersed into this oasis of ordinary words turned gold, the hero comes out of the pages, searches for his princess right in my presence, i see it all, the whole spectacle, he's a young handsome prince, troubled but still with heart to love. He searches for her, transversing the length and breadth of dis magic world, sometimes, he asks me to help heal his ache, to find his jewel, bt hell, i dont know where she is too, sidney craftily hiding the prized artifact, i join him in the search, our hearts beating in unison, we become friends and allies wit one aim- finding the love he deserves, we flip pages and read between the lines, But sidney is just uncooprative, he takes her away wheneva we come a little closer, the suspense is killing, not just my novel friend, but me. We prod, we look, we scheme just to get to the end of this scripted twisted lane., slowly, we begin to find a rhythm, we are beating sidney to his tricks, we've tracked d jewel to a store in manhanttan, "no jupiter can take her away from me now, " the hero says btween clenched teeth, staring at sidney wit liquid fire in his eyes, my breath is hung up, he approaches her, the sky is changing, d clouds are coming over, its been years he last saw her, i agree with him he cant let her slip this time, but sidney had a trick, d diva gets lost as a convoy of buses pull up in front of her hero, he's bitter, he swears, i curse, he rages, i fume, bt sidney smiles, he laughs, he enjoys tormentin us, maybe thats why he's a bestseller,
"why did you come for me" the lost jewel spoke from behind her hero, she had seen him, al hopes arent lost now, i see sidney hiding a knowin smirk,he winks at me.
Sidney Sheldon

Monday, December 5, 2011

Virgin's pride and the hawks' antics.

She' so pretty, her skin so tender,wit shy dimples,her smile make the stars twinkle,she laughs lik velvet and her looks seem perfect. She walks wit d stride of a goddess ,her mien cud b termed flawless,soft diamond, liquid gold, she's so precious, her worth is not rated in rubies,she's clad in innocence as a dove, untainted, her silk unsoiled, she's stil a teen dat is as sweet as honey. Then as bees drawn to honey, d hawks step in, they are amazed wit her beauty, they get drunk by staring at her endless, they remain restless, "she's so good 4 d takin" runs thru their mind n get her they must.they approach her gentler than a dove, both males ( and sometimes females ), they come scheming with verile thoughts and naked plans, yet so tender they come. They tell and show and make her feel she's their jewel long lost now found, they utter nice words and offer enchantin songs,yet beneath, theirs no emotion, sorry, no noble emotion, all they want is a chance to end her pride, they dont love, they lust, are lost in lust, they cant just stop lusting.They ached seeing her stil untainted, they must tap that "feminine juice" in its freshest state, they dont care how she feels, what she thinks, all they want is a gateway through her thighs, gateway that holds d promise of intoxicating pleasure no matter how disgusting. They want to use her, use her beauty and leave bhind nothing or a cataloge of ugly somethings. They simply cant get their hearts off her, evry other day, they prod, cajole, seduce and beguile, they plead, they trick, they want her in bed, only dat once ,and when done, the obsession is gone, they wont get get enchanted by her beauty anymore, then they go away, if she lets them, they would haul her from her high coast of virgin pride n bring her down 2 d abyss of shameful usage. They tell her she's better than al teenage girls, if she gets too flattered, they tell she's d best and then they strike.She's d wise type though, pretty yet wit enough wits to booth. She knows their mind.

Continued on homepage.

Virgin's pride (continued)

Sadly, some of her peers dont and they lose their pride in shame. she knows who loves her for her would not b eager to dishonour her, he would want her to b d best and full of virtue until they are both crowned as matching ribs. She knows he loves her by not forcing her into teenage carnal sex . She's stil innocent n if he truly loves her, it would b impossible 4 him to brutally take it away. Happily she's able to wade off d predators who maul at her thighs tryin 2 get a way in, she shuts d door firmly, uncompromisely, she feels honoured, she is honoured and respected even by d disgusting hawks, the handsome dudes who dont love her but her ........ . They r awed by her resilence, not bcos at a point she doesnt feel like giving in, but bcos she reins in her passion and hold on to her virginity til her wedding night. That night when d stars would twinkle, she laughing merrily showing shy dimples.Her heartthrob staring in high regard, her clothes ( the bridal gown of honour) she at last can safely discard, that night, she lets out all her lust coz doing so would b wonderful not as dispicable if she had display such lust as a teanage teen, she feels happier, her future is guaranteed, no blackmail from one those predators who would hv surfaced had she given in.Her life is joy and peace and fun...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

help!, even your leftovers can make a difference..

 Think about these shrinking limbs; pleading eyes and wanting lips; gaze once @ these screaming ribs; of lives wasting away in hurtful beeps;
Think about these empty cradles; dry wells and tearful pleas; see a hurt they all cant handle; making them look no better than fleas;
Think about these swollen graves; these holes with farmished bones of many; behold d painful life that kills in droves; that is now the lot of plenty;
Think about what you can do; to help end this horrorful sight; even something painful if U hav to; coz access to decent life is everyones right....

My heart bleeds seeing innocent souls been truamatized for no fault of theirs. Its up to you and i to help, but we cant help evryone in the world, so stretch your hand to the beggar on the street, the hungry family squatting and feeding from the refuse dump, show love to that sick and orphaned child in your neighbourhood, buy medicine, clothes, food even leftovers no matter how small, just show kindness to the needy around you and the suffering in our world would reduce.,they are pleading for help, for my help and urs, dont refuse them, help them and help reduce their pains.

be a little less anxious

You are anxious,your heart is racing, it is hiting against your chest as if it wants to run loose out of your body.. Your head is spinning, you are in deep thinking, your head is aching and your heart throbbing, you are thinkin about...................... Sometin that doesnt deserve the trauma you are subjecting yourself to..take a breath, take a break from your thinkin and ask your self if it is really worth it. Just be a little less anxious, apprehensive, sensitive for a while and heave a sigh of relief..
You put yourself in a quagmire engaging in excessive thinking..imagin if you read on Yahoo! That a sixteen year old died of heart seizure occasioned by high blood pressure, weird? .. I do appreciate the challenges we teens go through but the earlier we engage them with a degree of calmness, the better..i know about trying to be classified as up-to-class by our buddies which tend to trip too many dont want that, if your friends think you are not good enough to hang out with them,then chill, let them be, dont get too worked up about it, else you could get depressed and unwittingly scare away true friends who would hav wanted you for you...dont try to be like evryone else or try to please everyone, doing so, you would end up been a gloomy and sulky teen.
Think about a seventeen year old girl lookin haggard and bent over like a fairy tale witch, that can happen when you spend your life time trying to earn a pass mark from the "unsatisfiable" world. Try been the best version of yourself. I know sometimes when we dream big which is a must to achieve anything in life, bt there's is utmost need to dream right to avoid falling into a hellhole.. If you get into something or you become someone you were not cut out to be, frustration sets in, followed greedily by depression, and suicide may well be knocking at the door.. Love Loving yourself, the best you is You..try to make a better version of You instead of coveting the personality of someone else., that way.,

Be a little LESS ANXIOUS!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hmm, im really just tinkin, abt wat? Well,'bout LOVE. Yhu knw,i've got dat weird feeling deep down within,n suddenly, it explodes in2 tiny glorious bits inside me. My hands r weak n i dnt feel lik writing bt try as i may,my Heart wont giv up on dis post,so, ive got no choice bt to write. LOVE is unique,evryone deserves tu experience it@ one point or d other in Life..while sum pple r extremely lucky wit love, sum feel they were nt cut out to luv or b loved,bt d fact is,it al depends on yhur MINDSET.,bt watever d case, love stil remains dat strong force dat can cut thru d hardest of diamonds.yhu may or may nt hav sum1 @ d moment hu means d world tu yhu.,if yhu hv,my advice "dnt let go of him or her no matter what" Love only comes to those who desire it,n those who desire it must b willing to fight 4 it.why am i writin al these? It's just to put a smile on those gloomy faces n help mend those broken hearts..just know.,LOVE is a Bond,it ought to be sweet between d partners,it ought neva to fade n thats yhur duty.,TO MAKE IT WORK,.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


And just lik evry phenomena in Life.LOVE has its own challenges, so it's extremely important U find True Love,dat way,ur sacrifices would hav a meaning. Get me here.,LUST aint LOVE..LOVE springs out 4rm d innermost part of d Heart,n so,wen d flames of True Love r kindled,they r difficult 2 put out. Okay,spare a moment nw n think abt dat special person who means evrytin to yhu, tink abt d perfection or otherwise imperfection of ur relationship,wat u desire or hope to achieve wit him or her and so on.,but knw,d basis of al dis is GENUIUE LOVE. The persistent heartbreaks, breakups and infidelity is bcos pple are yet 2 grasp d true meaning of Love. I repeat,.Love demands sacrifices and d earlier yhu start making them,d better off yhu sayin, shake off watever inferiority yhu r feeling and find that LOVE YHU DESERVE...TEASER: ask yhu partner to pronounce d letter 'M' witout his or her lips touchin n cee hw long they take tew achieve it..(just 4 laughs).

Lonely in the Crowd? part 1

Wats up, its a luvly day,d air fresh n d weather jus perfect. Im in d mood 2 talk abt sumfin so many teenagers r goin thru 2day..what? Its simply XTREME LONELINESS and OFF-THE-EDGE BOREDOM.. U may hv experienced a lonely feelin even wit so many activities goin on around u, a sense of helplessnes though u've got peeps @ ur beck n cal. U must hv asked urself a zillion times "Y am i always in dis dingy n gloomy mood, why do i always find it hard 2 xperience true happiness?" well,Ur guess is as gud as mine "Yhu've got no concrete answer". Sumfin yhu shud knw is dat U aint d only one dat falls into such moods,infact, im a typical EMOTIONALLY-DISTANT youngster, why?, its nt bcos i aint got parents hu care,siblings hu adore me or even cool buddies bt d fact is that was hw i was made. U may be tinkin " its nt suppose to be a problem since it's a natural stuff,' bt d fact is, IT MOODS DONT GO DOWN WELL WIF EVRYBODY so there's a need to atleast curb it or better stil hv a control ova those period when yhu generally feel angry @ evrybudy n evrytin. Counsellors help bt in event U dnt hv ready access to them, ive discovered an effective tool to control loneliness....JUST WRITE.... It may sound ridiculous bt it WORKS.,just write anythin u feel lik,watever interests yhu n yhu would c urself loosening up and havin FUN!. I dnt prescribe wat i havnt tested and it worked amazingly 4 me. For example, i wrote dis poem on the 4th of october, a day wen my spirit was @ its lowest ebb,when i was extremely lonely,nt physicaly though,i felt unnaturally angry at exactly notin.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lonely in the crowd? Part 2

The poem goes thus.....; Like a tree in a desert,i hav sat lonely; all through the morning, lik a honeycomb with no honey; i feel like talking,bt there's no one to hear my voice; to throw so many options,bt there's no one to make a choice; life is so boring,my loneliness makes me feel; to the activities of life,my open eyes are blind to see; suddenly,i hear the sound of a thousand beat; bt sadly,its only the pacing of my silent feet; then an idea occurred to me that wasn't exactly normal; to start talking even if weren't to a human; i turned to the doors and told them to fasten; and with the silent creak of hinges, i knew they had listened; happily, i continued my absurd conversations; and made so many reasonable observations; so with the windows,doors and closet all around me; there was no more lonliness to feel.,...guess yhu must be smiling now,thats my aim.,TO LIFT YHUR SPIRIT AND MAKE YHU HAPPY.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Coming on board

It's kinda cool finally creating my own blog all by myself and with my phone! that goes to show hw easy blogging could be. Well,im here now,so its time to get out steaming and get this blog burning redhot. Yhu knw,i've been to so many sites that i could pass for a HUMAN GOOGLE.,read so many stuffs on net,the good,bad and outright ugly,bt the funny aspect is you've got to read "ALL OF EM!.,else yhu end up not getting anything out of your long hours on net..woah,i've heard the secret of sustaining a blog is to WRITE! WRITE!! and WRITE!!! so im gonna keep on writing till mama calls..lest i forget i must give credit to the one person who showed me the way to been independent and creative on the internet,he is the author of so many successful blogs like am talking about Aplomb blazer,Gosh witout him,i could have remained an internet nitwit..anyway,this is my first post on this blog and i promise yhu even more exciting write ups and talks about..kip cul n stay tite.