Saturday, December 3, 2011

be a little less anxious

You are anxious,your heart is racing, it is hiting against your chest as if it wants to run loose out of your body.. Your head is spinning, you are in deep thinking, your head is aching and your heart throbbing, you are thinkin about...................... Sometin that doesnt deserve the trauma you are subjecting yourself to..take a breath, take a break from your thinkin and ask your self if it is really worth it. Just be a little less anxious, apprehensive, sensitive for a while and heave a sigh of relief..
You put yourself in a quagmire engaging in excessive thinking..imagin if you read on Yahoo! That a sixteen year old died of heart seizure occasioned by high blood pressure, weird? .. I do appreciate the challenges we teens go through but the earlier we engage them with a degree of calmness, the better..i know about trying to be classified as up-to-class by our buddies which tend to trip too many dont want that, if your friends think you are not good enough to hang out with them,then chill, let them be, dont get too worked up about it, else you could get depressed and unwittingly scare away true friends who would hav wanted you for you...dont try to be like evryone else or try to please everyone, doing so, you would end up been a gloomy and sulky teen.
Think about a seventeen year old girl lookin haggard and bent over like a fairy tale witch, that can happen when you spend your life time trying to earn a pass mark from the "unsatisfiable" world. Try been the best version of yourself. I know sometimes when we dream big which is a must to achieve anything in life, bt there's is utmost need to dream right to avoid falling into a hellhole.. If you get into something or you become someone you were not cut out to be, frustration sets in, followed greedily by depression, and suicide may well be knocking at the door.. Love Loving yourself, the best you is You..try to make a better version of You instead of coveting the personality of someone else., that way.,

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